List of Ohio Relay Toll-free Phone Numbers
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TTY:711 or 800-659-2656 Voice: 711 or 800-659-3656 Voice Carry-Over:711 or 877-659-8260 Hearing Carry-Over:711 or 800-659-3656 Speech-to-Speech:711 or 877-659-4279 Telebraille:711 or 800-659-2656 Spanish Relay:711 or 800-337-3242 Spanish Translation:711 or 844-409-2451 ASCII:711 or 800-659-4656 Sprint Accessibility Care:800-676-3777 (Voice) 877-787-1989 (Speech to Speech) 800-676-3777 (TTY) 866-931-9027 (Voice Carry-Over) 800-676-4290 (Español)